Arab Region

The United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation covers trade facilitation measures grouped into five categories (transparency, formalities, institutional arrangement and cooperation, paperless trade, and cross-border paperless trade). ESCWA surveyed government agencies and private sector entities from 22 Arab countries, of which 14 have responded with the below results categorized into four income groups: least developed countries, countries in conflict, middle-income countries and Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

Select any economy of interest and get a detailed overview of trade facilitation & paperless trade implementation.


The UN Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation currently covers 143 economies and 58 measures related to the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) as well as to paperless trade and the UN treaty on cross-border paperless trade in Asia and the Pacific (CPTA). The survey is conducted jointly by all five UN Regional Commissions and a growing number of global and regional partners every two years.

Preparation of this platform benefited from the financial support of the Republic of Korea and China, as well as under the UN Development Account projects “Evidence-based trade facilitation measures for economies in transition” and “Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics: contactless, seamless and collaborative UN solutions”

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